Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Living Large

We are now in a new year and we have much a whole new slate to work with. Now is the time to decide just what it is we wish to focus our attention on and to follow through with it. You truly do get what you think. In order to manifest newness into your life you must keep your thoughts clear and focused.

Sometimes it is hard to concentrate on what we truly want because we spend so much time thinking about and being afraid of the worst things that can happen. We tend to carry very unconsciously, our fears of yesterday and push them into tomorrow. Then we wonder why our wishes and dreams do not turn out the way that we had hopted they would.

Intention is so important in manifesting in our lives. Holding an intention of exactly what we wish to happen and not faltering is how we make our dreams happen. We would be able to manifest coal into a diamond if our intention was absolutely clear and focused. We would manifest our ill heath away and only attract wonderful happy people into our lives.

This is the year that I intend to live large. I intend to keep my focus clear and on track and bring into my life all those things that I have been wishing for, but have not been making happen in my life. I will be facilitating workshops on Livng Large and helping others to do the same, so if you feel you would like a jumpstart in to having your dreams and wishes fulfilled please contact me at
mbrz003@yahoo.ca or phone 604 741-8872