Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Daily Majik - Recipe for Allowing Majik

I wrote this post "Recipe for Healthy Living"which follows this one and I have referred to the exercise in the previous post several times so you may wish to begin with reading that first.

We are all majikal beings living in a majikal world, at least that is what I believe. There may be some of you that really do not understand what this statement means and that may be because you have no real concept of what majik means to you in your daily existence. I believe that the bodies ability to consciously breathe in air from the atmoshpere into the body and allow the lungs to pump it through the body is a major feat of majik. I also beleive that our ability to just be who we are is majikal. Our decision to wake up and live each and every moment of every day is majik. Choosing to sustain ourself with healthy living, and eating habits is the ultimate in majik. And the most incredible majik that we make is when we choose to procreate. The very act of of joining in bliss creates majik and then when the seed fertilizes and brings forth new life to exist within another life, ooohhh uummm. What could be more majikal than this. We live in so much majik and mysticism. The world that we live in is pure ultimate majik, the ever bountiful gifts that nature bestows upon us so unconditionally. The secret to living in majik is to be able to appreciate and "hold onto" this sense of majik. I say 'hold ont0' in this way because nothing worth value can actually be contained and kept, it must become a part of us and flow as it is meant to do and be so we hold on to the feeling, the sensees and the desires and let go of.

So how do we "hold onto" majik in our everyday life. The first step is to read the post "Recipe for Healthy Living" and begin your day in this state and share it with the community at large. As we are all human beings and full of "bad" habits we may not be able to hold onto this morning energy throughout the day so here are some helpful hints on how to bring yourself closer that majikal being that you truly are.

  • Do your morning exercise from the post Recipe for Healthy Living daily before your rise from your bed.
  • When you take your shower for the day visualize the water from the shower cleansing your inner most being and filling you with the love nurturing and vitality of the universe and wrap yourself in this and before you leave the shower send this out to the global community.
  • As you begin your day sense the majik around you in everything you feel, touch taste. Enjoy the flavors of your morning coffee, juice, water....... Appreciate what is placed before you, give thanks for your life and what life place before you.
  • Realize as you walk that every step you take leads you to more majik and walk your majik footsteps.
  • See any challenge or setback that you may face as a test of holding onto your majik and let go of any frustration, fear, doubt etc and surrender it to the majik.
  • Before you retire for the night, stretch and breathe in the nurturing, loving energy of the universe to enfold you in majik as you move into dreamland.

This is a Recipe for Allowing Majik into your daily life which you can use to make your life more mystikal. The choice is yours, you may have your own recipe so please feel free to share any comments you may have with me and those who read this. Please feel free to pass this on.

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