Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Recipe for Healthy Living.

Are you openging your eyes with a feeling of sadness, fear, depression, anxiety? Maybe your head hurts or your eyes feel heavy. You kind of drag yourself around once you are out of bed. But then it gets even weirder because when you speak to your friends they seem to be experiencing simialr symptoms. Well welcome to the world of Gloom and Doom.

Take into consideration all that is happening in our Global community, the famine, sickness, natural disasters, wars and all that associated with Doom and Gloom. Then remember that adage about the butterfly that flaps its wings and starts a windstorm in some unknown far distant land across the globe. Now can you understand that even though we live in this beautiful community and we are all loved and cared for we are still sharing this Earth with and are a part of everything that happens anywhere. We are fortunate to be able to focus our attention on our health and well being, to be loved and cared for and to be able to experience the beauty of nature in our lives for this moment. But..-we are still sharing the same energy of those hungry babes in Africa and the natural disasters in India and the wars in the far East. The energy is all around us!! Even though we may be openly aware and have guilt, compassion or a need to partiipate we are still living in the same energy of what is happening.

We all know as much as we want to know about what our lives are all about. Sometimes we get so hung up on how much we know that we forget that we really do not know anything at all. We may even choose not to listen to others when they share with us because we tend to wander into the past or skip ahead to the future holding on to what we know or what we want to know. Knowing about something and choosing to physically do something about it, the way that we think we should is not always the best, or the only solution. We must let go of the knowing and the doing sometimes in order to put things back in order.

As I mentioned before we all share the same energy, we are all part of a collective thought pattern and our molecules are travelling around all over the place so we are all a part of each other whether we like it or not. So needless to say everything that is happening out there in the Global world is happening right here in our space and we are feeling it whether good or bad. One important thing to remember is "it is easier to move to a higher vibration than it is to move to a lower one". So if you wake up feeling foul, why is it that we lay there and wallow in it, why do we work so hard to stay down there when it is easier to move on up?

Well as I said before, who knows, we really do not know anything and that is probably the best answer to that one. I do suggest that instead of holding on to that lower vibration we use the first waking moments as a means to move the energy within our space to a level of manifesting what it is we wish to accomplish for the day and hold on to that energy. It could be that we wish to be more happy, healthy, loved, richer accepted, safer (whatever) for the day, Fill ourself up with the feeling of how it would be if we had what we were manifesting and then add a cup of joy and a pinch of love and a bit of abundance and prosperity and send that feeling out into your space, your world, your community and then out to the global community. This is a recipe for Healty Living, enjoy and share it.

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